WCNA26 Logo
7-9 MAY 2026
Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre
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International Federation of Nurse Anaesthetists (IFNA)



The International Federation of Nurse Anesthetists (IFNA) is an international organisation representing nurse anesthetists serving the public and its members. The mission of the federation is dedicated to the precept that its members are committed to the advancement of educational standards and practices which will advance the art and science of anesthesiology and thereby support and enhance quality anesthesia care worldwide. The IFNA establishes and maintains effective cooperation with institutions that have a professional interest in nurse anesthesia.


The International Federation of Nurse Anesthetists (IFNA) is the authoritative voice for nurse anesthetists and nurse anesthesia, supporting and enhancing quality anesthesia care worldwide. As professionals, nurse anesthetists are recognised for their significant contribution to global healthcare as nurses, practitioners, teachers, administrators, researchers and consultants. The IFNA participates in the formulation and implementation of healthcare policy and the recognition of nurse anesthetists as essential and cost-effective health care providers.

The Australasian College of PeriAnaesthesia Nurses (ACPAN)



Our mission is to support and promote safety and quality in evidence-based practice, and foster collaboration in the perianaesthesia community.


Our vision is to be the recognised authority for excellence and leadership in perianaesthesia nursing care.

The Australasian College of PeriAnaesthesia Nurses (ACPAN) is the peak professional body and the industry leader for professional practice development, education and guidelines for perianaesthesia nurses across Australia and New Zealand.

Founded in 1994 as the Victorian Society of Post Anaesthetic and Anaesthetic Nurses group (VSPAAN), to provide education for perianaesthesia nurses, as other special interest groups were not addressing their perianaesthesia needs. In response to growing national membership, VSPAAN changed its name to ASPAAN in 2005.  In June 2016 a special general meeting was held to transform ASPAAN into a college, ACPAN, to strengthen our reputation, provision of education and advance the profession of perianaesthesia nursing.  ACPAN currently has more than 800 members across Australia and New Zealand, and continues to grow.

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